Our Swarovski custom and ready-to-wear browbands and dog collars come with a 1 year guarantee. The warranty will cover defects in materials and craftsmanship only and does not cover the effects of the natural aging of leather such as stretching, darkening, cracking, etc. It's important to remember that leather is a natural material and it is not impervious to the effects of stable and horse life, or for our dog owners, a dog’s life. To ensure the greatest life for your leather, please perform regular cleaning and conditioning when needed. NOTE: Where applicable, we will provide spare crystals / beads / stones. In the unlikely event a crystal falls out, you can easily replace them with a pair of pliers (for pronged settings) or strong adhesive glue such as e6000, for flat-back settings.
Care: Custom Leather Horse Browbands
You can use a soft toothbrush and gently glide over the crystals to remove any build up of dirt and dust between them. To clean the back of the leather browband, you can perform your normal tack cleaning routine.
Please note that while browband leather can take a beating, the crystals within our custom broadbands are delicate and may not last as long, or be as strong as a plain ordinary browband. Please be mindful as well, that we can not be held responsible in any instances where a horse rubs or damages the browband.
Care: Custom Leather Dog Collars
Water exposure:
Rain & Snow = Okay to expose, but you may want to perform regular cleanings and conditioning.
Saltwater = Meh ... the salt and chlorine will dry out your leather, so make sure you condition!
Lakes = Nope. There's a bunch of bacteria in lakes and ponds and it will buildup within the pores of the leather. Not to mention, it could lead to some serious odors. Swap our your collars before heading to the lake!
Swarovski Crystals:
As with our horse browbands, you can use a soft toothbrush and gently glide over the crystals to remove any build up of dirt and dust between the crystals. To clean the back of the leather browband, use a leather cleaning and conditioning lotion.